Stuttering or Stammering.
Causes (exact cause is unknown) How ever
- Inherited causes. Genes play role in development of stuttering. It is thought that people who carry genes for stuttering can develop this disorder some point in life whenever there is circumstances that can lead genes expression like (Stress full life events, mental health issues, anxiety etc.) Pathologically it appears that there is incoordination in the sound producing muscles which interferes with fluency of the longer sentence production. Shorter sentences may be fine like the children at the age between 2-5 years when they learn to make longer sentences like from “Mommy Burger” to “mommy can I have burger too”. Stuttering has associations with low frustration tolerance, (individuals who have this, more often tighten there muscle hence deterioration or worsening of stuttering. Other’s reaction of teasing to stuttering (leading to emotional response like shame, embarrassment, anxiety) which can make it worse.
- Treatment: Speech and language therapist teach the persons to control their speech with speaking low and maintain relaxation while talking. Trying to talk slow and smoothly usually much slower than normal speech.
- Treatment of underlying mental Health issues like anxiety (Which can make it worse)
- People who stutter usually are aware of this difficulty. That it takes longer for them to say the sentence. This put them under pressure to say the things rapidly and make it difficult for them to continue speech in smooth way and timely manner. Listeners are usually unsure how to respond to it , this lack of information how to respond, leads listener to do things like they might, look away, or fill in sentences, or interrupt or not to talk to the person at all. They also might get annoyed and become impatient which can make the speech even worse.
- When talking to people who stutter, it is always advice able to give them time and show them you are relaxed and not bothered by their slow or uneven speech and willing to listen patiently. Not to tell then “slow down a bit” or “take a deep breath” or “Relax” By doing that it only makes it worse.
- It may not be a bad idea to ask the person who stutters that how would you like me to respond. It will put them at ease and do not talk down or treat them differently. In addition, give them message that listener understands the stuttering and interested to listen.
Disclaimer: All contents on this site are for general information and in no circumstances information be substituted for professional advise from th relevent healthcare professional, Writer does not take responsibilitiy of any damage done by the misuse or use of the information
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